浼氳鏃ョ▼ |
鐩稿叧娲诲姩 |
銆愮渷 浠姐戯細 娴欐睙 |
銆愬睍 浣 鍙枫戯細 A026銆027 |
銆愬睍 浣 鏁 閲忋戯細 2 涓 |
Ningbo Zhengcheng Mechanical Co., Ltd. is specializing in the production of livestock breeding,
Include water supply series (such as drinking bowl, drinking nipple, trough etc), animal housing & shed construction series, ear mark and ear mark forceps series, injector series锛宖odder barrel etc; Our company also engage in agro-machine fittings, and all kinds of other mechanical accessory. The products are exported to over 20 countries and regions, including the USA, Russia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asian.
The company is conveniently located in the historical city of Ningbo, on the beautiful coast of East China Sea, within the newly built Zhuangshi Industrial Zone which occupies a land area of over 30,000 square meters. Presently, the company employs over 400 people, including 50 technical personnel, and has 500 units/sets of equipment. The powerful technical force of the company lies not only in its proven mould design and manufacturing capability but also in the complete array of fairly advanced production lines for stamping, metalworking, heat treatment, zinc phosphate processing, spray coating, blister packaging, assembling and testing. The company has the ability to independently develop various drinking cups, animal fence, trough and other mechanical products.
Our company adheres to the enterprising, high-efficient, product quality and customers satisfaction.
Welcomes you to make choice of our products.
瀹佹尝姝f垚鏈烘鏈夐檺鍏徃涓撲笟鐢熶骇鐣滅墽楗插吇浜у搧锛屽寘鎷鐣滅敤楗按绯诲垪锛 楗按鍣紝楗按纰楋紝楗叉枡鐩嗙瓑锛夛紝瀹剁暅鐢ㄩゲ鍏绘缁撴瀯锛涘鐣滅敤鑰虫爣閽筹紝娉ㄥ皠鍣紝鑰虫爣绯诲垪锛涘鐣滅敤鏍忔潌缁濈紭閽夌郴鍒,楗叉枡妗剁瓑锛涙槸涓轰紬澶氬ぇ鍨嬪吇娈栧満璁惧渚涜揣鐨勪笓涓氱敓浜у巶瀹躲備骇鍝佸嚭鍙g編鍥姐佹娲层侀潪娲层佸崡缇庛佷笢鍗椾簹绛 20 澶氫釜鍥藉鍜屽湴鍖恒
鍏徃杩樹緷鎵樺悇绫荤鐮旀満鏋勶紝浣滀负鍏徃鐨勫己澶ф妧鏈緷鎵橈紝鏈夊姏鐨勪繚璇佷簡鐢熶骇浜у搧鐨勯珮鍝佽川锛屽湪鍥藉唴澶栧競鍦轰韩鏈夎緝楂樼殑淇¤獕銆備骇鍝佸嚭鍙g編鍥姐佹娲层侀潪娲层佸崡缇庛佷笢鍗椾簹绛 20 澶氫釜鍥藉鍜屽湴鍖恒