文章来源: 会务组 人气:
【 展位号 】 E001,002,005,006
【 企业简介 】
北京生泰尔生物科技有限公司是专业从事动物保健品研发、生产、推广应用并提供行业信息及技术服务的高新技术企业。以中兽药、精品化药、生物制品为核心产业。公司已在全国合作并建立了科研基地2个、生产基地3个及配套中药原料供应基地3个。公司现有中药、西药、疫苗方面的自主知识产权并获国家批准的产品文号180个,产品销往全国各地,部分产品主要供应出口集团。 北京生泰尔生物科技有限公司崇尚科技,把绿色环保作为企业的追求,以当代科技造健康药品。
电话:8610-62148210/12/13/14 传真:8610-62148211
电子信箱:centre001@263.net 网址:www.centreherbs.com
Bengjing Center Biology Co,Ltd.is one of the biggest high-tech enterprises in China which specializes in modern R&D of Chinese herbs,and offers industry information and technical services.The company has set up several bases-3 for procession,2 for scientific research and 3 for Chinese herbal materials supplement.The compamy possesses 180 kinds of products in Chinese herbal medicines,Western medicines and vaccines of self-intellectual propertypower.Theproducts have been sold nation-wide andpartially for export. The company upholds science and technology,strives for environment protection and safe products.
Add:175 Postbox,China Academy of Agric Sience,No.12south Avenue.Zhong Guan cun.Beijing p.r.of China P.C.:100081
Tel:8610-62148210/12/13/14 Fax:8610-62148211
Email:centre001@263.net Http://www.centreherbs.com