文章来源: 会务组 人气:
【 展位号 】 F245,246
【 企业简介 】
南京仕必得药业集团是一家高速成长的现代科技企业,集动物保健、水产研究、宠物服务和生物技术于一身。集团目前部署 3个事业部、两家专业化公司。GMP车间位于南京市江宁经济开发区,占地面积1万多平方米,建有中药散剂、西药散剂、溶液剂、水针剂等车间,总投资达1000万元。
南京仕必得动物保健品有限公司是仕必得药业集团的主力发展机构,致力于专为养殖提供科学的诊疗技术和产品服务。自1999 年4月23日成立起,凭借生动的企业文化、优良的人才培训机会、规范的管理和独特的营销模式,推动业绩每年以 200 %的幅度高速成长, 迅速跨入中国家离药品企业的优秀行列。
Brief Introduction
Nanjing Sbeed Pharmaceutical Group., fast growing modern high-tech enterprise, is specialized in animal health drug production, aqua research, pet service and biotechnology. Currently, the group has 3 divisions and 2 professional companies. The GMP workshops, including TCM pulvis, western medicine pulvis, liquor and aqua injection workshops etc., are situated in Jiangning Economic Development Zone in Nanjing, and occupy an area of over 10,000 square meters. The total investment amounts to RMB 10 million.
Nanjing Sbeed Animal Health Product Co., Ltd. is the major institution of Sbeed Pharmaceutical Group. It is devoted to the research and service of scientific therapeutical technology and products. In virtue of the exceptional enterprise culture, fine training opportunities, normative management and excellent marketing strategy, the company has been growing at the rate of 200% annually since its establishment on Apr. 23, 1999, and has become one of the best animal remedy providers in China.
电话:025-2125600 2125601 2125602
http://www.sbeed.com E-mail: market@nj-sbeed.com