
Notice on Holding the 19th (2021) China Animal Husbandry Expo and 2021 China International Animal Husbandry Expo

Enterprises, practitioners and enthusiasts of animal husbandry and related industries:

Since 2019, we have experienced the shock of COVID-19, the instability of the international situation and the challenge of international trade disputes. The world economy has entered the worst recession since World War II.In the face of serious internal and external environment, under the leadership of the party central committee with chairman Xi as the core, we fully support and cooperate for COVID - 19 epidemic prevention and control ", focus on long-term,build a new pattern of development in which both domestic and international development cycles reinforce each other.To show the new achievement on development,exchange new technology, new experiences, promote new cooperation, show a crucial new results for poverty alleviation, China Animal Agriculture Association protocol to hold the 19th (2021) China Animal Husbandry Expo and China International Animal Husbandry Expo 2021 on May 18-20, 2021 in NanChang Greenland International Expo Center (hereinafter referred to as "CAHE").

The expo will have a planned indoor exhibition area of 140,000 square meters, with 14 standard pavilions.For the first time, an outdoor exhibition area of 2,000 square meters was added to display all kinds of transport vehicles, fermenters, feed towers and other equipment;More than 6,800 booths were set up in this expo.2021 CAHE will further innovate and improve the planning of exhibition areas, key exhibitions, supporting meetings, exhibition services, Internet applications and other aspects, implant more functions, realize accurate docking between exhibitors and visitors, provide more reasonable, convenient and thoughtful exhibition services, and improve the quality of the exhibition.The key exhibition area will hold the 7th Global Pig Industry Forum and 18th (2021) China Pig Industry Development Conference, Science and Technology Innovation Conference of China Animal Husbandry Expo and dozens of technical lectures, press conferences, training sessions, activity days, etc.

Warmly welcome domestic and foreign animal husbandry industry and related enterprises, institutions, organizations and people from all walks of life to participate in this livestock Fair.The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

I. Organizational structure

1. Sponsor: China Animal Husbandry Association

2. Co-organizer: Sincerely recruited...

3. Sponsor: Sincerely recruited...

II. Time of the event

1. Time of exhibition arrangement: May 15th to 17th, 2021 (standard booth will be arranged on 17th).

2. Exhibition: May 18-20, 2021 (the ceremony will be held on the morning of 19th).

3. Animal Husbandry Week: May 15-21, 2021 (forum, conference, lecture, etc.).

III Venue: Nanchang Greenland International Expo Center (No. 1177, Jiulong Avenue, Jiulong Lake New Town, Nanchang city, Jiangxi Province)

Iv. Exhibition scope: covering products, information and services of the whole livestock industry chain at home and abroad.

1.Domestic and foreign breeding of livestock and poultry, commercial livestock and poultry (pig, poultry, cattle, sheep, rabbit, deer, camel, fur animals, special breeding, etc.) and their means of production.

2.Veterinary drugs, vaccines, animal health products and veterinary drugs production, processing, packaging machinery, equipment, materials, veterinary instruments, etc.

3.Feed (feed raw materials, feed additives, additive premixed feed, concentrated feed, mixed feed, special feed, etc.), feed processing machinery and accessories, feed quality testing instruments and equipment, microcomputer control system and software and hardware, feed formula technology, feed technology, etc.

4.Machinery, equipment, instruments, appliances and engineering related to animal husbandry production and breeding (feeding equipment, ventilation equipment, temperature control equipment, environmental control equipment, design and engineering construction of standardized breeding plants).

5.Grass industry and its deeply processed products (grass powder, grass granules), grass seeds, grass machinery, grass industry technology, etc.

6.Brand animal products (meat, eggs, milk, animal leather, fur products and their products);Animal products processing and refrigeration equipment, traceability system, food safety testing equipment.

7.Scientific and technological achievements of animal husbandry (new products, new technologies, new achievements, patented products, etc.).

8.Environmental protection, manure treatment equipment, biomass energy (animal husbandry using biomass energy related technology, equipment, etc.).

9. Packaging and transportation (livestock and poultry production materials and livestock and poultry product packaging materials, packaging machinery and related transport equipment, such as feed, breeding pigs, poultry chicks special transport vehicles).

10. Integrated animal husbandry services (science and technology, education, training, information, media, software, consulting, finance, insurance, professional cooperatives and Labour protection, etc.).

V. Division of exhibition area

With breeding enterprises as the core, it covers the relevant products and services of the upstream and downstream industrial chains of the industry.There are group exhibition area, international exhibition area, pig industry exhibition area, poultry industry exhibition area, feed exhibition area, animal protection (animal health products, veterinary medicine, vaccine) exhibition area, machinery and equipment exhibition area, brand animal products exhibition area, environmental protection treatment exhibition area, science and technology media, financial insurance and comprehensive services exhibition area, etc.

VI. Contact information

Exhibition Department of China Animal Agriculture Association

Address: Room 306, Yangguang Mansion, 112 Xizhimenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing,China

Zip code: 100044        Tel :010-88388699-887

E-mail: cahe@caaa.cn   Website:http://www.caaa.com.cn

International Pavilion contact person: Stephanie Zhang  17701081805




China Animal Agriculture Association

October 22nd 2020