支持单位:商务部 农业部畜牧业司 农业部兽医局



4B Components Ltd

【省份】: Illinois

【展区】: 国际展区

【展位号】: BG26

【展位数量】: 1



4B has the world's largest range of bucket elevator components, leading the field in elevator bucket and elevator bolt design and manufacturing the highest quality forged conveyor chains and elevator belting.
Our electronics division specializes in level controls, intelligent sensors and safety control systems for bucket elevators and conveyors. 4B components prevent costly downtime and minimize the risk of explosions in hazardous areas.
With over 120 years of engineering experience in the bulk handling industry and subsidiaries on all continents along with a worldwide network of distributors, 4B can provide practical solutions for any application no matter the location.


中国畜牧业协会 版权所有

北京市朝阳区曙光西里甲6号时间国际大厦A座9层 邮编 100028 电话: 010-58677700 传真:010-58677809

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