单 位:荷兰王国驻华使馆农业处
时 间:2008年5月18日下午14:00-16:45
地 点:西安曲江国际会展中心 B1-05会议室
题 目:从饲料到食品,中荷一体化方案
(Feed for Food, an integrative Sino-Dutch approach)
主讲人:Jos Ramekers先生、荷兰托佩克公司的代表、Adifo公司代表
摘 要
首先是荷兰畜牧业、肉业及禽蛋业协会(PVE)名誉主席Jos Ramekers先生向大家介绍荷兰肉类产业的综合情况。
最后,来自Adifo公司(国际饲料、食品和畜牧业领域软件开发的领先者)的Hans van der Waal先生将会对每个市场阶段的所需采用的必要方案做出解说。并将着重阐述饲料公司的综合配方方案及饲料公司如何为未来市场做准备。
High yields, better health and by consequence high quality meat require an integrative approach within the food chain. Next to issues of food safety the speakers will explain the indispensable relation between high quality feed and the output of high quality meat.
A general overview of the meat sector in the Netherlands will be highlighted by Mr. Jos Ramekers, the honourable chairman of the Dutch Product Board Livestock Meat and Eggs (PVE).
This overview will be followed by an analysis of the relation between high quality piglets and their feeding. This overview will be given by a representative of Topigs, one of the world's leading developers of genetic material for the pig industry.
Last but not least, Mr. Hans van der Waal from ADIFO (world leaders in software for Feed, Food and Animal Husbandry) will explain that for every market stage other solutions are necessary. He will emphasize on integrated formulation solutions for Feed companies and will explain how feed companies can be prepared for the future.