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【省 份】: 河北
【展 区】: 动保展区
【展 位 号】: B136
【展 位 数 量】: 1


地址:河北省石家庄市建设大街与槐南路交汇处东岗怡园6-1-1103    邮编:050021
电话:0311-85217286  85217288  85217299         
网址:www.sysczn.com( 兽药营销网)               
联系人:王越      手机:13932123869

《Guidance of veterinary pharmaceutics & market》is a special magazine of animal pharmaceutics which settled by the branch club of veterinary herb of The Chinese livestock farming vet's academic association. Our magazine serves to the animal pharmaceutics dealer of the whole country directly and it also acts as a window in showing the products’ information or mastering the market’s situations to our large animal pharmaceutics workers. Now it’s the only animal pharmaceutics periodical that face to veterinary drugs’ sales, circulation and exchanges in China.
Our magazine’s publish objects are the all levels animal pharmaceutics business agent, wholesale dealer, dealer, the vet's station, vet's hospital, animal pharmaceutics door, large farm etc. of national everyplace. Now we have been expanding the magazine’s publish scope to the county, village animal pharmaceutics retail sales, vet's out-patient service to cooperate with the each one animal pharmaceutics the organization and large farming groups for sake of keeping on with the veterinary pharmaceutics enterprises’ sale-nets down load’s condition and the direct sale-mode development’s demand.
《Guidance of veterinary pharmaceutics & market》 month publishes measures to 40000 volumes, which carried on in certain ways by our advertise customers and ourselves.
《Guidance of veterinary pharmaceutics & market》owns many outlet customers from the whole country and has very high influence powder in it’s various different layer customers. We take “Guide the animal pharmaceutics market consumes need, Predominating the animal pharmaceutics market development direction” as our magazine’s publish aim, and concentrate on communicating the animal pharmaceutics’ producing and selling.
  The web of animal pharmaceutics marketing (www.sysczn.com) was set up with the foundation of 《Guidance of veterinary pharmaceutics & market》. We hope to create the marketing special features of the animal pharmaceutics online, and serve to the large animal pharmaceutics executives sooner and better, provide them thoughtful and faster information service by the help of the network and our magazine’s self advantages.
ADD.: 6-1-1103 Donggangyiyua, the cross site between huainan road and construction street, Shijiazhuang city, Hebei province, PRC.   
Tel.:0311-85217286  85217288  85217299         
Fax:0311-85217286 E-mail:sysc20050826@163.com     
Contact person:Miss wang yue  Mobile Tel:13932123869


支持单位:中华人民共和国商务部  农业部畜牧业司(全国饲料工作办公室) 农业部兽医局
主办单位: 中国畜牧业协会
  承展单位: 大连世界博览广场
地址:北京市朝阳区曙光西里甲6号时间国际大厦A座9层 中国畜牧业协会 邮编:100028
电 话:010-58677829 58677700 80628857(24小时) 传真:010-58677809
联系人:杨 平 裴海岚
E-mail: cahe@caaa.cn