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地址:北京海淀区四季青乡廖公庄 166 号, B-6

电话: 010 88704635 传真: 010 88704635

网址 : www.bioniche.com 电邮 : kitshumhoi@yahoo.com , bionichechina03@yahoo.com.cn

业务代表 王铮 先生

地址:北京海淀区四季青乡廖公庄 166 号, B-6

电话: 010 88704635, 88704691 传真: 010 88704635

网址 : www.bioniche.com 电邮: Bionichechina03@yahoo.com ,

BIONICHE Life Science Inc.

Products, ranging from vaccines to immuno-stimulants, use five propretary technology platforms:

Protein and hormone extraction and purification.
Mycobacterial Cell Wall Extract.
Immuno Enhanced Vaccines.
Hyaluronic Acid (HA).
Polyclonal Antibodies.
Animal Health ( Beijing ) Inc

Kit Shum, General Manager

Add:Unit B-6, 166, liaogongzhuang, Sijiqiang, Haidian District, Beijing , China 100049

Tel: 010 88704635 Fax: 010 88704635 Web:www.bioniche.com

E-Mial: kitshumhoi@yahoo.com, bionichechina03@yahoo.com.cn

Mr. James Wang, Business Representative

Add:Unit B-6, 166, liaogongzhuang, Sijiqiang, Haidian District, Beijing , China 100049

Tel: 010 88704635, 88704691 Fax: 010 88704635

Web: www.bioniche.com E-Mial: Bionichechina03@yahoo.com






经营范围:先马士联合体是世界领先的高质量牛精液及活胚胎供应商,产品出口到世界 80 多个国家。先马士联合体拥有加拿大顶尖的 10 头荷斯坦种牛中的 9 头。
中国区销售代表 张向利 先生

地址:北京海淀区四季青乡廖公庄 166 号, B-6

电话: 010 88704635, 88704691 传真: 010 88704635

Agricorp 中国


电话: +86 10 6466 3401 传真: +86 10 6460 8244 电邮: watsonr@agricorpchina.com

Hoken Agritech International Inc.

(International Distributors - China )

Semex Alliance

Mission Statement: The Semex Alliance develops and markets high quality genetic technologies, products and services to benefit livestock producers around the world while creating value for its owners.

Business Scope: Semex Alliance is a world leader in the supply of high quality bovine semen and in vivo embryos with exports to over 80 countries around the world. Semex currently owns 9 out of the top 10 proven Holstein sires in Canada .

Mr. Alex Zhang, Sales Agent in China

Add:Unit B-6, 166, liaogongzhuang, Sijiqiang, Haidian District, Beijing , China 100049

Tel: 010 88704635, 88704691 Fax: 010 88704635

Mr. Robert Watson, Representative in China

Agricorp China

Tel: +86 10 6466 3401 Fax: +86 10 6460 8244 E-Mail: watsonr@agricorpchina.com

爱德现代牛业发展集团 ( 加拿大温哥华 )

IND Lifetech Group 是以现代发育生物技术和生物检测技术为主导,北美优质奶牛和肉牛品质资源为背景,发展中国奶牛和肉牛产业为目标的集团公司。下属 6 个子公司分布于北美的温哥华、魁北克、宾西法尼亚及中国的北京和山东。目前已形成综合技术体系,包括精子性别分离、超排、 IVF 、 OPU 、克隆胚胎的生产、胚胎移植、微卫星亲子和遗传性状鉴别等。所生产的性控精液雌性率 90% 以上, IVF 胚胎孵化率 80% 以上、囊胚率 40-65% 、受胎率 50% 以上,利用 IVF 胚胎移植于中国黄牛所产爱德奶牛预期产奶量 8 吨以上。性控精液及 IVF 胚胎已取得中国政府进口许可。集团的北美高产荷斯坦奶牛和不同品系肉牛的性控或非性控胚胎,由下属的魁北克和美国两大生产基地生产,符合国家检疫检验标准,每年可向市场提供 10 万枚,性控胚胎雌性率 90% 以上。集团的爱德现代牛业(青岛)有限公司的高产奶牛繁育基地,生产“爱德“品牌的北美系高产荷斯坦奶牛。未来一年可供应 30000 头母牛犊;以后每年可提供 50000 — 100000 头。集团下属的加拿大基地生产加拿大、美国排名前 100 位种公牛性控或非性控冻精。性控冻精每支精子数不低于 200 万, X 精子纯度不低于 90% 。每年可供 10 万支性控冻精和大量的非性控冻精。集团在中国拥有技能过硬的胚胎移植、性控精液冷配和超声波孕检的技术团队,可为专业养殖场及个体农户进行胚胎移植,每年可提供移植服务 7 万头次。集团愿以优质的服务体系和产品质量保证与中国同仁携手共创美好未来。

北京: 地址:北京市东城区建国门内大街 18 号恒基中心 822 室 邮编: 100005

电话: 010-65183730/31/32 传真: 010-65183729 http : //www.indlifetech.com.cn

山东: 地址:山东省青岛平度市南村镇 邮编: 266736

电话: 0532-84397739/38 传真: 0532-84397736

Richard Remillard 总裁


电话: 001-604-5221619 传真: 001-604-5226331 电邮: richard@indlifetech.com

Jesse Zhu 总裁


执行总监 李澄 女士,科学硕士

电话: 86-10-65188219/20/21, 86-10-65183730/31/32

传真: 86-10-65183729, 86-10-65188223 电邮: licheng@ind-pharm.com.cn

爱德现代牛业发展集团 ( 中国 )

营销经理 Emily Ji 女士

电话: 86-10-65183730/31/32 传真: 86-10-65183729 电邮: emily@indlifetech.com

爱德现代牛业发展集团 ( 青岛 )

Chengcai Zou, 营销经理

IND Lifetech Group ( Vancouver , Canada )

Business scope: ND Lifetech Inc. (“Lifetech”) is an advanced biotechnology company that combines genomic and reproductive technologies to advance both human health and agriculture. Established in 1997, we are a spin-off subsidiary of International Newtech Development Group (" IND "), the second largest biotechnology research group in British Columbia (Business in Vancouver Magazine, Issue 535, January 2000). The primary focus of IND is in the manufacture, sales and distribution of medical diagnostics and pharmaceutical products. Lifetech's business is in the research, development and commercialization of in vitro and in vivo cattle embryos.

Dr. Richard Remillard (President, President of Canadian Embryo Transplantation Association)

Tel: 001-604-5221619 Fax: 001-604-5226331 E-mail: richard@indlifetech.com

Dr. Jesse Zhi, Chairman

IND Lifetech Co., Ltd.

MSc. Cheng Li (Executive Director)

Tel: 86-10-65188219/20/21 or 86-10-65183730/31/32

Fax: 86-10-65183729 or 86-10-65188223 E-mail: licheng@ind-pharm.com.cn

IND Lifetech Group (P.R. China Area)

Emily Ji (Marketing Manager)

Tel: 86-10-65183730/31/32 Fax: 86-10-65183729 E-Mail: emily@indlifetech.com

IND Lifetech Inc. ( Qingdao )

Chengcai Zou, Marketing manager


IND Embryontech Inc. ( 加拿大魁北克 )
总经理 Jimmy Liang 博士

副董事长 Jing Tang

Linmei Qian , QA 部主任

IND Embryontech Inc. ( Quebec , Canada )

Dr. Jimmy Liang, General Manager

Jing Tang, Vice-president

Linmei Qian, Director of QA Dept.




中国区销售经理 杨兰 女士

北京市朝阳区朝阳公园西路 11 号京达国际公寓 2 号楼 3A

电话: 010-6538-4381/ 6538-1526 传真: 010-6538-4349 电邮: beijingyinxu@vip.sohu.com

中国区代表 付钢 先生

北京市朝阳区朝阳公园西路 11 号京达国际公寓 2 号楼 3A

电话: 010-6538-4381/ 6538-1526 传真: 010-6538-4349 电邮: beijingyinxu@vip.sohu.com

Alta Export International Ltd

Business scope: livestock, embryos, genetic technologies and semen in specific export market; forage seeds and farm equipment.

Yang Lan, Sales Manager in China

Tel: 010-6538-4381/ 6538-1526 Fax: 010-6538-4349 E-Mail: beijingyinxu@vip.sohu.com

Mr. Fu Gang, Representative in China

Tel: 010-6538-4381/ 6538-1526 Fax: 010-6538-4349 E-Mail: beijingyinxu@vip.sohu.com




Tel.: 613 233 8872 ext. 22


Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement Inc.

Mission Statement: CCSI's mission is to enhance the ability of the Canadian swine industry to compete domestically and abroad, by providing leadership, coordination and services for swine genetic improvement.

Dr. Yuefu Liu, Geneticist

Tel.: 613 233 8872 ext. 22



主要业务范围:匹克种猪遗传公司是加拿大纯种种猪,杂交种猪及猪精液的供应商。同时 , 该公司还向那些为填充牧群而需要大量健康、基因改进了的母猪、公猪的商业经营者们提供优质的全方位的产品。匹克种猪遗传公司将经营屠宰业的养猪者的经济回报作为工作重点。 总经理 Alfred Wahl 先生

Tel.: 780 986 4647

Cell: 780 914 8969

PEAK Swine Genetics

Business scope: PEAK Swine Genetics Inc. is a Canadian supplier of purebred and crossbred breeding as well as boar semen. It sells these product lines to commercial pig producers across Canada and the Pacific Northwest who demand to stock their herds with large numbers of healthy genetically improved gilts and boars. PEAK Swine Genetics Inc. focuses upon optimizing the financial returns to commercial pig producers who market slaughter hogs.

Mr. Alfred Wahl, P.Ag., General Manager

Tel.: 780 986 4647

Cell: 780 914 8969


Polar 遗传物质公司


总经理 Albert Eringfeld 先生

Mr. Albert Eringfeld, General Manager

Participation city: Qingdao

Tel.: 780 944 2575


Polar 遗传物质公司

中国区市场总监 Liew We Lim 先生

Tel.: 780 944-2601


Polar Genetics Inc.

Business scope: Purebred and hybrid boars and gilts; Fresh and frozen swine semen; Artificial insemination equipment and supplies; Identification and pregnancy detection equipment

Other breeding livestock including cattle, sheep and goats; Swine breeding and production consulting; Swine A.I. training and consulting

Export and selection services

Mr. Albert Eringfeld, General Manager

Tel.: 780 944 2575


Polar Genetics Inc.

Mr. Liew We Lim, Regional Marketing Director in China

Tel.: 780 944-2601




中国家禽》《中国禽业导刊》 《饲料博览》 《中国畜牧兽医报·东方畜牧周刊》 《畜牧市场

支持单位:中华人民共和国商务部  农业部畜牧业司(全国饲料工作办公室) 农业部兽医局
主办单位: 中国畜牧业协会
承展单位: 青岛国际会展中心
地址:北京市朝阳区曙光西里甲6号时间国际大厦A座9层 中国畜牧业协会 邮编:100028
电 话:010-58677829 58677700 80628857(24小时) 传真:010-58677809
E-mail: xjh5@caaa.cn